Book Blog Tour (Review): Seasons Within by Lele Iturrioz
BLURB Most teenage girls know their name, where they came from, who they are. Not G, a beautiful redhead with unusual markings on her...

Book Tour: Among the Lost (In Dante’s Wake: Book 2) by Seth Steinzor
BLURB Among the Lost, set in the modern American rust belt, is a meditation drawn from Dante’s Purgatorio. To Dante, Purgatory was the...

December Wrap-up + 2016 Throwback
Ola peeps!! How are you all doing? I hope you’ve celebrated your holiday great! It wasn’t so long ago when I posted my November wrap-up...

November Wrap-up
Oh wow! How time flies so fast! It wasn’t long ago when it was still October and everyone’s enjoying Halloween but now it’s December!...

Book Blog Tour (Book Review + Author Interview): Sensing Light by Mark A. Jacobson
BLURB March 1979, a young street hustler in San Francisco stumbles into an emergency room with lungs so congested he can barely breathe....

Book Blog Tour: Four Letter Word (Dirty Deeds Series #1) by J. Daniels
BLURB Sydney Paige was never so mortified to hear the words "wrong number" in her life. She meant to tell off the guy who broke her best...

ANNOUNCEMENT: Not Accepting eBooks at the Moment... Why?
Hello my lovely peeps! How are you all doing? Me? I’m doing great despite school and other stuff. I have a small announcement to do. As...

NEW BOOK RELEASE: Labyrinth Lost by Zoraida Córdova
I am so thrilled to announce that Labyrinth Lost is now out! If you, peeps, remembered I posted a review about this book here in my blog...

Why no post?
Ola, peeps!! It’s been so long right? Is it? My last post says 24th of August so it’s long for me. My apologies for not posting reviews...

Pokemon GO Book Tag
This book tag was created by Aentee @ Read at Midnight. I wasn’t originally tagged for this but I just found it so fun and amazing I had...