Ola peeps!!
How are you all doing? I hope you’ve celebrated your holiday great!
It wasn’t so long ago when I posted my November wrap-up and now we’re already on the December! 2016 is finally over!
You know, peeps, I didn’t quite like the majority of last year. A lot of bad things has happened last year which makes 2016 one of my not so favorite year. It didn’t help that my least favorite number is 16 so… but! There’s also some things good that happened to me and those were the things I will stick inside my head forever.
In May 2016, I started my book blog! Yes! Though I’ve been a reader for so long I just started my book blog last year. The thought of creating a blog has crossed my mind countless of times but I’m too lazy to create one and, honestly, I don’t know how to do book blogging. But then I get past the laziness and I explored things in blogging and now I’m enjoying it! :D
By joining the book blogging community, I have met a lot of people both readers and authors. It was also in May that I received my first ever ARC from an author and I am so happy. I have never get my hands on any ARC before and the thought that I get to read a book before anyone else is so overwhelming. It’s one of the perks of book blogging and so I decided to continue. I got my motivation to keep book blogging.
It was in April 2016 that I joined the Goodreads community!! I really love joining bookish communities. I get to meet a lot of booknerds and authors. It was so awesome! And I think it was also around this month where I joined Netgalley. Like I said, getting an ARC is overwhelming that is why I started exploring sites about bloggers reviewing books and I stumble upon Netgalley. And though I haven’t reviewed that many from Netgalley, I still enjoyed being part of it.
Then it was in October 2016 that I receive my first ever printed book to host a book tour. When the book arrived in my house, I was all smiles and dance. Seriously. I feel so blessed and honored that there are authors willing to send me printed books in exchange of my honest review and let me host a book tour of their book. Up till now I still feel happy.
Those were the major bookish things that happened to me all throughout last year starting from my joining in book blogging community. I started bookstagram two years ago so that doesn’t count. :D
Now let’s go to my December wrap-up.
I’ve read eight books last month, peeps! I thought I read ten but it turns out it was just eight. But still, I think my December wrap-up is my biggest wrap-up so far.
Here’s the books that I’ve read on December. Oh, just click on the picture and you will be redirected to its Goodreads link.

Thank you for being part of my 2016 year, peeps. I hope to have more bookish talks with you all!
