"This is it. The moment Heaven and Hell clash. But which unearthly being will win, the fallen angel or Hell's hounds? Overtaken by fear, I close my eyes." Kayson is a Fallen Angel who has spent decades running from the Hell Hounds while searching for something that no one else believes can be so, not even God. Kayson is determined to find a Blood Child. But when a hound finds Kayson first, he is sure his end has come.
Falon, Alpha of the Hell Hounds, destroyer of the blood children, and devoted believer in his master’s plan, is bound and determined to drag Kayson back to Hell with him.
Sabrina is a Vampire, a half-breed created from one of Lucifer’s original blood children. After years of hiding, Sabrina’s fate changes when she finds Kayson barely alive. Against her instincts, Sabrina saves him. Now she and Kayson are both marked by the Hell Hounds.
Emma is an ordinary human, whose only problem is making ends meet, and getting over the hurt caused by her untrustworthy brother. Her everyday problems become supernatural ones when she finds Kayson and Sabrina hiding in her parent’s backyard shed. Kayson, Sabrina and Emma are unlikely allies, thrown together by chance to fight against the most powerful creatures of the underworld in order to follow their world-changing quest. But will the broken faith of one break the faith of all?

I’m not much of a reader of paranormal but whenever I do read ones, it’s always connected with angels and demons instead of ghosts and other stuff. I’m a full blood and proud Christian, a Roman Catholic in religion, so I sometimes cringe on the books I read that deals with angels and demons and Lucifer and God himself. I keep wondering how these author write things I read. Are they believers? Or do they base their books on what they read on other books with the same genre?
Broken Faith, though it deals with demons and angels and hounds and other supernatural stuff, is kind of different. Though it still talks about Lucifer and God, it didn’t focus there. It’s focus is on a fallen angel, Kayson, a vampire, Sabrina, a normal human girl, Emma, and her boyfriend, Briston.
I don’t know how to talk about this book. It has got a good story, a good flow and plot. The problem is it has a lot of narration of flashbacks. There were a lot of “I remember those times/moments when…” and “There was this times/moments when…”. There were a lot of flashbacks that most of them were unnecessary and feels like its only use is to add words on the book. But if you ignore those flowery words, the story is quite good.
Though it was bad that the action happened only on the end of the book. There are no actions or suspense in most of the book. It was just plain narration and some conversations and then suddenly an action and suspense right around the end of it.
The characters were all crazy. I’m kidding. They’re not totally crazy but somewhat crazy. There were four characters creating a love square. Like Emma feels like she likes Kayson but thinks that Kayson likes Sabrina; then Briston loves Emma but thinks that Emma likes Kayson; and then Sabrina, doesn’t know if she like Kayson or not but felt a little jealous when Kayson opened up to Emma instead of her; and then Kayson who loves someone but I won’t tell who. Haha!
And then at the near end of the book, the four of them sorted their feelings and find out who loves who but then it was the time where the hell hounds attacked them. Yup. A little bit cliché for me.
The writing style is easy to follow. Aside from it having a lot of flashbacks, it’s the kind of narration where you can easily follow the movement of the story. It was detailed, too detailed that even past memories were clear enough in my head.
This book is quite a good book if you ignore the other parts. I would still recommend this to you, peeps, but if you’re the type of reader who’s not so fan of so much flowery words then maybe reconsider the recommendation. But then again, a book’s beauty is in its story and not the way it was written, right? And I’d say that the story is good so go ahead and give it a shot.
I received a copy of this book from Netgalley. Thanks!

About the Author...

Gemini Brandy Nacole is a writer of urban fantasy books. She is the author of the Shadow World series and the Spiritual Discord series published by Ponahakeola Press. A reader from a young age, Brandy has always loved folklore and stories of beings that go bump in the night. Brandy lives in Arkansas with her husband, three never stopping kids, two snooty cats, two very lazy bearded dragons, and one mellow turtle. She is a member of the Ozark Romance Authors in Springfield, Missouri. Whenever she’s not reading or writing, Brandy is spending her time outdoors wheeling, hiking, playing amateur photographer, and enjoying a good laugh.