Taken by the Beast A Sexy Beauty and the Beast Spin Off
When Charisse Bellamy takes the job at New Haven’s first ever Night Club, it’s only intended as a short term solution to make ends meet. But she soon discovers there is no resisting the pull of her new boss, Abram. Despite worrying how her feelings for Abram will impact her budding relationship with police deputy Dalton, she can’t seem to stay away, and it’s not until a missing girl is found chained up in Abram’s home that this beauty realizes one of her romantic interests is a beast.

I read this book right after I downloaded it from a newsletter of the author. Thanks by the way.
I don't know how to start my review about this book.
Truth be told I am not a fan of werewolves and such supernatural stuff. I'm not a fan of Twilight so yeah... :D
The reason why I read this is because of its cover. Then when I started the first chapter, I couldn't seem to stop. I don't know why, it doesn't really have that huge pull on the story. But maybe because of its narration. It was good and it feels natural that I just couldn't stop reading. Writing style could influence a reader's indulgence in the book.
The romance in the story is like a whirlwind romance. It felt like true but it's too fast. They met now and a couple days later they had sex and then two days or so after they fell in love. Yup. So fast. And not to mention the sex scenes feels like it wasn't needed at all. For me, it's like they needs more time to get to know each other and it could happen without the sex parts. Though there were only two sex scenes. Lol. Though, again, it is a new adult sooo...
The characters are, I don't know? There's a lot of secrets. And Charisse the main character is in the shadows about those secrets. She doesn't know anything but her aggressive actions say that she wants to know more. But then when she got answers, she ran away. Always running away when there's an explanation she wants. But then when Abram, the hero, won't give her answers and explanations, she insists on getting one. I don't understand you, girl! Now I do believe that girls can be really really confusing.
And the twist. It was somehow right in front of me and I somehow know what the twist was but I don't want to predict or spoil myself or something like that so I ignored the clues. But then the clues for the twists is just right there the whole time. I think it's easy to guess.
All in all, it was a good story. Not actually my cup of tea because, like I said, I'm not a fan of werewolves and such, but then it has a good flow. The thing that had me put on another star on this book is the main character's features. Charisse is not your typical beautiful, skinny, sexy, and kind-of-perfect type of heroine. Instead, she's curvy, still beautiful, and a model. Her features somehow gave the whole book a much more realistic atmosphere because the heroine is not a stereotype. Although she's a hell bent feminist. Lol.
And the ending... I don't know what to say or what to feel about it. It seems like a somewhat gore-ish ending but the characters's reactions are just 'Meh...' So.. I think the ending was designed to make the reader want to read the second book of the series. Maybe I will. If I could get my hands on the second book.
Although the book is good, it didn't give me a reason to keep reading the werewolves kind of books. I'm still not a fan of it. Sorry. ^_^
Kudos, Ms Rebecca! :D

About the Author...

Rebecca Hamilton writes Paranormal Fantasy, Horror, and Literary Fiction. She lives in Florida with her husband and four kids, along with multiple writing personalities that range from morbid to literary. Having a child diagnosed with autism has inspired her to illuminate the world through the eyes of characters who see things differently. Rebecca Hamilton is represented by the ever-more-amazing Rossano Trentin of TZLA.